Install Cypht
Cypht has four differents installation ways:
- Manual installation
- Installation within Tiki
- Install using Docker (use cypht docker image)
- Install cypht on a YunoHost server
1. Manual installation
Cypht 1.4.x requires PHP 5.6 to 7.4. For PHP 8.1+, please use Cypht 2.x+, Composer 2, and at minimum the OpenSSL, mbstring and cURL extensions. Cypht can also leverage several other extensions as defined in composer.json. Testing is done on Debian and Ubuntu platforms with Nginx and Apache.
Before proceeding please make sure your system meets minimal requirements
1. Check minimum requirements
#!/bin/bash # You need to check php version which should be >=5.6 for version 1.4.x and 7.4 for Cypht version 2.x.x php --version # Next you need to check composer version which should be >=2.0.0 composer --version
It's important to consider where you place the Cypht source. The web server will need read-only access to it, and moving it from one place to another requires re-running the configuration script. Do not put the source in the document root as it could create a security risk. On Debian systems, it's common to place the source in the "/usr/local/share/" sub-directory for such cases. The provided bash script downloads(installs or upgrades) the specified version of Cypht, prepares the necessary directories, sets up correct permissions and ownership, and places the Cypht source in "/usr/local/share/cypht/cypht-version". It also ensures that the required configuration files are created, such as .env or hm3.ini (depending on the version). The script requires sudo access to perform these actions:
#!/bin/bash bold_green() { echo -e "\033[1m\033[32m✓ $1\033[0m" } bold_red() { echo -e "\033[1m\033[31m$1\033[0m" } bold_blue() { echo -e "\033[1m\033[34m$1\033[0m" } bold_yellow() { echo -e "\033[1m\033[33m$1\033[0m" } # Function to check prerequisites check_prerequisites() { echo "Checking prerequisites..." # Check if PHP is installed if ! command -v php &>/dev/null; then bold_red "Error: PHP is not installed or not in the system PATH." bold_red "Please install PHP before proceeding." exit 1 fi # Print the PHP version bold_green "PHP is installed." # List installed PHP extensions required_extensions=("openssl" "mbstring" "curl") missing_extensions=() for ext in "${required_extensions[@]}"; do if ! php -m | grep -iq "$ext"; then missing_extensions+=("$ext") fi done if [ ${#missing_extensions[@]} -gt 0 ]; then bold_red "Error: The following required PHP extensions are missing: ${missing_extensions[*]}" bold_red "Please install the missing extensions before proceeding." exit 1 else bold_green "All required PHP extensions (OpenSSL, mbstring, cURL) are installed." fi # Check if Composer is installed if ! command -v composer &>/dev/null; then bold_red "Error: Composer is not installed or not in the system PATH." bold_red "Please install Composer before proceeding:" exit 1 fi # Print the Composer version bold_green "Composer is installed.\n" } # Function to fetch the list of valid tags from the GitHub repository fetch_tags() { echo "Fetching latest versions from GitHub..." >&2 # Print to stderr to avoid mixing with output curl -s | \ jq -r '.[] | select(.created_at > "2018-11-13T03:58:48Z") | .tag_name' | sort -V | \ awk -F. ' { major = substr($1, 2) # Extract major version number (e.g., "1" from "v1.x.y") latest[major] = $0 # Always update the latest version for this major version } END { # Print the latest version for each major version for (major in latest) { print latest[major] } }' | sort -V # Sort the final output by version } # Function to install Cypht for a given version install_cypht() { local version=$1 local destination="$BASE_DIR/cypht-$version" # Check if the destination directory already exists if [ -d "$destination" ]; then bold_yellow "Cypht version $version already exists at $destination." read -p "Do you want to overwrite it? (yes/no) [yes]: " overwrite overwrite="${overwrite:-yes}" # Default to 'yes' if no input is provided if [[ "$overwrite" != "yes" ]]; then bold_red "Installation aborted." exit 0 else bold_blue "Overwriting existing installation..." sudo rm -rf "$destination" fi fi # Create destination directory bold_blue "Creating directory for version $version: $destination\n\n" sudo mkdir -p "$destination" # Create temporary working directory temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) cd "$temp_dir" || exit 1 # Download the selected version of Cypht if [ "$version" == "master" ]; then bold_blue "Downloading the latest development version (master branch)..." wget "" -O "" archive_name="" extracted_folder="cypht-master" else bold_blue "Downloading version $version..." wget "$" -O "$" archive_name="$" extracted_folder="cypht-${version#v}" fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then bold_red "Error downloading version $version." exit 1 fi # Unpack the archive bold_blue "Unpacking the archive...\n" unzip "$archive_name" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then bold_red "Error unpacking the archive." exit 1 fi # Run composer cd "$extracted_folder" || exit 1 bold_blue "Installing dependencies with composer...\n" composer install # Handle configuration file creation if [[ "$selected_version" =~ ^v1 ]]; then bold_blue "Creating hm3.ini from hm3.sample.ini\n" cp hm3.sample.ini hm3.ini else bold_blue "Creating .env from .env.example....\n" cp .env.example .env fi # Fix permissions and ownership bold_blue "Fixing permissions...\n" find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; # Ask for group (root is default for other systems, or user for macOS) read -p "Enter the group to own the files [root]: " group group="${group:-root}" sudo chown -R root:"$group" . # Move files to the destination folder bold_blue "Copying files to $destination...\n" sudo mv ./* ./.[!.]* "$destination" # Clean up temporary directory cd .. sudo rm -rf "$temp_dir" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error moving files to $destination." exit 1 fi bold_green "Cypht $version installed successfully to $destination" } # Main script execution # Check prerequisites check_prerequisites # Fetch available version tags available_versions=$(fetch_tags) available_versions=$(echo -e "$available_versions\nmaster") # Add master branch to the list # Display available versions echo "$available_versions" | nl -s '. ' # Prompt user to select a version read -p "Enter the version number (e.g. 1 for $(echo "$available_versions" | head -n 1)) [master]: " version_choice version_choice="${version_choice:-$(echo "$available_versions" | grep -n "master" | cut -d: -f1)}" # Get the version based on the user’s choice selected_version=$(echo "$available_versions" | sed -n "${version_choice}p") if [ -z "$selected_version" ]; then bold_red "Error: Invalid version choice. Please select a valid number from the list." exit 1 fi # Prompt user for BASE_DIR read -p "Enter the base directory for Cypht installation [/usr/local/share/cypht]: " BASE_DIR BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR:-/usr/local/share/cypht}" bold_blue "Installation of version: $selected_version" install_cypht "$selected_version"
To configure Cypht for your environment, you must first edit the "hm3.ini" (for Cypht 1.4.x) or ".env" (for Cypht 2.x.x) file to your liking, .env content can be generated using the Cypht Config Generator, then run the "config_gen.php" script to generate the optimized configuration file and assets used at run-time.
For Cypht 1.4.x, begin by editing the "hm3.ini" file to configure Cypht for your environment. If you choose to use a database for any of the three available purposes (authentication, sessions, or user settings), you will need to complete the "DB support" section and create the required tables. SQL to do so can be found in the "hm3.sample.ini" file. The "hm3.ini" file contains many comments explaining each configuration option and how to set it up for your environment.
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/hm3/{attachments,users,app_data} sudo chown -R www-data /var/lib/hm3/
The "/var/lib/hm3/users" directory is only required if you are using the file-system and not a database to store user settings (user_config_type = file in the "hm3.ini" or ".env"). You can put these directories anywhere, just make sure the values in the ini file point to the right place.
4. Generate the run-time configuration
Cypht uses a build process to create an optimized configuration, and to combine and minimize page assets.Once you have edited your "hm3.ini" or ".env" file, generate the configuration with:
cd /usr/local/share/cypht (or wherever you put the code in section 1) sudo php ./scripts/config_gen.php
Now going to https://your-server/mail/ should load the Cypht login page. Note that If you use a symlink, your web-server must be configured to follow symlinks.
6. Users
Setting up users depends on what type of authentication you configure in the hm3.ini file. If you are using the local database configuration for users, there are scripts in the scripts/ directory to help manage them:
# create an account php ./scripts/create_account.php username password # delete an account php ./scripts/delete_account.php username # change an account password php ./scripts/update_password.php username password
7. Debug mode
Cypht has a debug or developer mode that can be used to troubleshoot problems or enable faster development of modules. To enable the debug version of Cypht, just sym-link the entire source directory instead of the site sub-directory:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/cypht /var/www/html/mail-debug
Debug mode is not as efficient as the normal version, and it is NOT designed to be secure. DO NOT RUN DEBUG MODE IN PRODUCTION. You have been warned! Debug mode outputs lots of information to the PHP error log that can be useful for trouble-shooting problems. The location of the error log varies based on your php.ini settings and web-server software.
8. Other INI files
Some Cypht modules require additional ini files to be configured. These should NOT be inside the web-server document root. Cypht will look for them in the location defined by "app_data_dir" in the hm3.ini file. A sample ini file for each module set that requires one is included in the source for that module. To configure them you must copy the sample ini file to the "app_data_dir" and edit it for your setup. Some of these require configuring your service with a provider, specifically ones related to Oauth2 client setup (Github, WordPress, Oauth2 over IMAP for Gmail and Outlook). Re-run the config_gen script after configuring an ini file and it will be merged into the main configuration settings.
- Github
Cypht can connect to github and aggregate notification data about repository activity.
Example github.ini file:
Authorize an application for github: - OAUTH2 over IMAP
Gmail and support OAUTH2 authentication over IMAP. This is preferable to normal IMAP authentication because Cypht never has access to your account password.
Example oauth2 ini file:
Authorize an application for gmail
Authorize an application for
- WordPress
Cypht can aggregate notifications.
Example wordpress.ini file:
Authorize an application for - Custom themes
You can create your own themes for Cypht. Edit the themes.ini file to include your theme, and put the css file in modules/themes/assets.
2. Install cypht using Docker
Using Docker is one of the easiest way to install cypht as the cypht docker image comes with all the steps required in the manual instalation done for you. But the bad news is that this installation way requiresdocker knowledge.
Here is the cypht docker repository:
To run containers required by cypht, please, first make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on
your system, then take a look on the section "example docker-compose" of repository overview, then do the
- Create a new directory on your system named as you want.
- In the directory created previously, create a file named "docker-compose.yaml" then copy and paste the content of the example docker-compose section in the created file.
Open your CLI/terminal and move to the directory containing the docker-compose file and run the command to run containers
docker-compose up -d
- After containers started, you can access cypht on port 80 of your host if you didn't change the port value in the docker-compose file.
NOTE: Please change usernames and passwords before using the given docker-compose code in your production environment.
3. Install Cypht on a YunoHost server
This is an other easy way of installing and use Cypht.
YunoHost is an operating system that aims to simplify server administration as much as possible to
democratize self-hosting while remaining reliable,
secure, ethical and lightweight. It is a free software project owned exclusively by volunteers. Technically,
it can be seen as a distribution based on
Debian GNU/Linux and can be installed on many types of hardware.
To learn more about YunoHost, visit
To install Cypht on YunoHost, please follow these steps:
- If you don't have an installed YunoHost server, please consult the guide to learn how to install it. If you have it, please go directly to the next step.
- If you just installed YunoHost or had it installed before, access your server and go to the admin dashboard, then click on "Applications"
- In the next page, click on the "install" button
- In the search area, enter "cypht"
- In the search result, click on cypht app
- Scroll down, then fill in the form according to your need or keep the default values, then clik on the "install" button. Note: Make sure the url value is not used by another app on the server or in case you have another cypht instance previously installed you have to modify it instead of using the default valuue.
- Once clicked on the "install" button, wait for the installation to complete, it may take while.
- Once the installation completed, you will be taking back to the dashboard.
- To open the app, click on the app recently installed and then on the "open the app" button, then the application opens in a new tab.
- Enter the username and admin password you've provided previously in the installation form and then click on the login button to enter cypht and start configuring your email accounts.
4. Install Cypht within Tiki
If you have tiki installed, you can use Cypht within tiki. This is an easy way of installing Cypht.
Please follow the following link for a complete guide of how to install and use cypht within Tiki.